Symptoms of eye problems during pregnancy

A few days ago we talked about vision problems during pregnancy, because during this stage changes in the woman's body can lead to changes in vision. Although there are women more likely to suffer, no one is safe, and you have to be attentive to symptoms of eye problems during pregnancy.

If during the pregnancy the mother has some of these symptoms, it is important that she discuss it with her gynecologist and consult with her specialist in visual health:

  • Frequent headaches: migraines are caused by hormonal changes and are common among some pregnant women. In some cases, migraines can make the eyes feel more sensitive to light. The woman should check with her doctor before taking any headache medication.

  • Decreased vision, may be temporary due to migraines or continuous.

  • Light discomfort. This condition usually appears as a result of migraines that are generated by the changes to which the body is subjected. Some women in gestational stage become photosensitive.

  • Refractive changes: pre-existing problems (astigmatism, myopia ...) can be accentuated as a result of the change in the hormonal level and in some cases the pregnant woman must change the graduation she needs for her contact lenses or optical lenses. It is usually a slight change that is generally not a cause for concern, but you should consult the ophthalmologist about it.

  • Visual fatigue quickly.

  • Decreased tear secretion and dry feeling. The problem is usually temporary and disappears after delivery. The doctor will tell us the lubricating drops or moisturizers that are safe during pregnancy.

  • Decreased lateral vision.

  • Swelling of the eyelids: The swelling occurs mainly in the morning and is also caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

  • Blurred or double vision, which could be an indicator of elevated glucose levels.

  • Vision of spots in the visual field. Both this sign and the previous one could be indicators of a picture of ocular hypertension, a situation that can cause retinal detachment. That is why it is important that all women who have diabetes undergo a complete dilated pupil exam.

  • Hypertension alone is not a symptom of an eye problem, but pregnant women with high blood pressure are at risk of developing retinopathy or retinal detachment, which implies changes that can cause a serious and long-lasting visual defect.

A good rest, the practice of exercise and a healthy diet can help to avoid some of these problems, but if you suffer any of these symptoms of eye problems during pregnancy It is important that you consult with the gynecologist and the ophthalmologist so that they are controlled and can be relieved.

Video: Pregnancy symptoms - Dry eyes (July 2024).