Why is it so difficult sometimes to educate our children (II)

I have a pediatrician friend who loves children that one day, speaking of education, she confessed that she had no children because she considered that educating a child was very difficult and a great responsibility for which she did not feel prepared.

Having children is easy (or relatively easy), because most couples have them. But of course, having children means having to take responsibility for them, their well-being, their education and ultimately it means having to prepare them for the life they have to live when they decide to do it without us, by their means, making their decisions and relating to others without our presence.

All this is a process that begins the day they are born and that never ends, because even when they are older and the parents decide not to intervene they are educating, and It is a responsibility of the parents, but also of the rest of society. If it is already difficult for parents to educate a child, if sometimes our neurons smoke out trying to find solutions, imagine how difficult it is when we also have to explain the behaviors of other adults (or of ourselves).

Three days ago I left you the first part of this post. A brief entry full of questions, full of whys, being questions that any child could ask their parents. Some I invented them and others I shaped them as my eldest son has been doing them to me over the last months.

It is true that we all cross when the traffic light is red and no car passes, but I do not do it if I see children waiting (and I try not to do it even when there are no children), out of respect for them and their parents. They are learning that crossing in red is dangerous and it is unethical that while they wait I cross with all my parsimony, as my son and I often see while we wait for the traffic light, which almost makes me want to say “thank you for helping me educate my son".

But the traffic light is just one example of so many. People throwing cigarettes with the car running, lowering the window to throw things, throwing them while walking down the street, seeing your children crouched in the sand of the beach taking cigarette butts, wrapping bags of potatoes and trash cans several asked "what is this?" and you answering "garbage, son ... some pigs have left it there, when they could have thrown it in the bin."

They are countless things that people do wrong because he has lost, probably a long time ago, respect for other people. The funniest thing is that then everyone asks for that respect he doesn't profess.

Adults are the ones who have the key to the education of our children. It depends on us in great part that our son is a great person or that he is not, that he is respectful with the environment, with the people and in general with his surroundings or that he thinks that the world belongs to him and that everything turns to his around, and I don't talk about when they are children, but about when they grow up and reach adults.

The future of our society depends on the inheritance we leave to our children and, honestly, it gives me enough vertigo to put my mind blank and observe the society in which we live, quite rotten (maybe there is a better word to define it, but right now I can't find it) both at street level and at a higher level (the people who reign and govern us, who direct us and control us) and reach a single conclusion: educating a child is certainly one of the most difficult tasks that exist because society does not help to do it. It is something almost exclusive to parents and the school (and I trust more parents than school) and besides not helping us with our children, nobody helps us to educate them, with horrible schedules and an unfortunate work and family reconciliation .

That nobody is surprised if tomorrow our children, already adults, point us with the finger. Moreover, no one is surprised if tomorrow our children, already adults, are not even able to point us with the finger because they believe that the society in which they live is the only thing there is, without alternatives, without red pill to take .

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).