Multiculturalism in the school

With the beginning of school, we have probably seen that in our children's class there are children from different backgrounds, children (or their parents) who come from other countries and who are integrated into our community. A good idea to help them precisely integrate is the multicultural welcome parties, where the great wealth of diversity is revealed.

It is fortunate to be in contact with other cultures from school. Children do not understand skin color, only people. They don't care about language barriers, to play there is always a gap. They will love knowing what children from other parts of the world eat, how they greet each other, where are their countries of origin ...

Rare is the school where there are no children from other cultures. For them it would also be important for parents to be involved in these celebrations of integration and enjoyment of diversity. Knowing us a little more, everyone, is always positive. To learn to respect the other you have to know him. The unknown can cause fear or rejection.

Ticita He is a nice character who stars in several cartoons in the school education supplement of the Diario Información. In this one, we show you how language does not matter in an integration party. There will be time to perfect it.

Everyone has enjoyed the typical desserts of each country, in the universal language of gastronomy. This is a real example of activities that are taking place these weeks in many educational centers to promote and highlight multiculturalism.

The coexistence plan of schools should take into account children who come from other countries, helping them to share and live with their classmates, looking for a respectful integration.

To learn to live together It is a basic purpose of education (which does not start at school, but at home). The debate, dialogue, active listening, responsibility, agreements, reflections ... are part of that education.

And with everyone's help, taking advantage the richness of multiculturalism in school, we will create for our children (they will create it themselves) a future of fairer, more cohesive, more egalitarian, more intercultural and more peaceful societies.

Video: Multicultural Education: Overview (July 2024).