Waiter, there is a mother breastfeeding by my side!

It happened in a cafeteria in Queensland, Australia A man was enjoying his drinking on the terrace of the cafeteria Cheese and Biscuits when he noticed something terrible that was happening right at the next table. A mother was breast-feeding her son and without covering up!

Faced with such a scene and I suppose that before the real danger of losing sight of the sight and having to visit the psychiatrist on Sunday, our dear diner had no choice but to say that of: Waiter, there is a mother breastfeeding by my side!

The problem is that our diner and fierce defender of public morals made two mistakes, well commit, he made many more if at this point he thinks that way, but two were the basic mistakes: one, sitting in a pro-lactation cafeteria and two, ** having found a cafeteria owner with very clear ideas. **

When Jessica-Anne Allen, the owner of the cafeteria, heard the client's complaints she informed him that she was in a pro-lactation room, that she was not doing anything wrong, that he was feeding his baby and that there were several mothers who used to come to enjoy their consumption while breastfeeding their babies, but that if he wanted it inside there were more free tables, which were outside such an unpleasant scene.

In the end the man went inside and here our story would have ended if it wasn't because Jessica saw the mother who remained on the terrace quite annoying and when she took the drink to our friend, he told her that she had rebuked him and that next time She should be the one to reprimand her clients for not covering up. At that moment, as the consumption came, he left and returned in a container to take with A polite invitation to leave the premises, this time not to return.

"What worries me is that the mother feels obliged to have to cover herself in future occasions. I can't believe that at this point the mothers are still forced to cover themselves to breastfeed their babies," said Jessica-Anne

Unfortunately for many nursing mothers, this situation is closer than we think and many suffer daily. I hope that one day society will mature and be able to abandon stupid taboos and retrograde ways of thinking.

As a man, every time I hear such news, my stomach is stirring to continue seeing how there are people so retrograde, so short-minded and ill able to continue bent on seeing what is not there.

Photo | iStock
Via | Huffinton Post
In Babies and More | United Kingdom launches a campaign to encourage mothers to breastfeed in public, "Women in the Wild", breastfeeding stories to encourage breastfeeding in public

Video: Mother is criticized for breastfeeding her baby in public. What Would You Do? (July 2024).