The theme night dedicated to twins

Today we return with a recommendation that is sure to interest many of our readers. TV space RTVE's "Thematic Night" has been dedicated to twins, with highly recommended documentaries that will soon be seen online.

Given the increasing incidence of twin pregnancies, it is not surprising that we are becoming more and more familiar with these brothers, and surely many twin parents who read us will be interested in knowing a little more about the twins.

These are the three programs (the first is an introduction, the following are reports of about 50 minutes) that make up on television space that (unfortunately) I could not see finish, given the hours at which the last documentary is broadcast:

  • The enigma of genes, which is presented as an introduction to questions such as whether genes can determine our character and our psychological state or if two identical twins are destined to lead the same life. Of course, with the testimonies of experts in the field and cases of twins throughout the world that will surprise us.

  • The mystery of the twins. It is exciting to get into how, from the moment of conception, the twins begin a special relationship:

Identical twins are a miracle of nature, two people with identical genes. But does this mean that they are destined to lead the same lives, forming a perpetual tandem? Or are they free to grow separately and form for the world around them? Several studies on twins could show that our genes trace our lives to a degree that we had never contemplated, determining not only our shape and size, but also our psychological state.
  • Mengele's Twins is a tough documentary about the cruel experiments that Dr. Josef Mengele, known as the Angel of Death, carried out with the Jews of the Auschwitz concentration camp and probably much later, incognito, in other parts of the world.

Definitely, "The Thematic Night" delves us into the enigma of the genetics of twins from very different but exciting perspectives. I hope you enjoy the documentaries that we can soon see complete online (for now, just the introduction to them).

Official Site | RTVE In Babies and more | Documentary: The Brain of the Baby by Eduardo Punset (1), Premiere of the documentary "The Science of Babies" by National Geographic Channel, Premiere of the documentary "Babies"

Video: Nights Into Dreams OST - Twin Seeds - Growing Wings (July 2024).