Highlights in Babies and more: from January 10 to 16

As every week, we review by the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more during the last days.

One of the news that has caught our attention is that what we consider a negative habit among the little ones could be a benefit. A famous neurologist says that eating mucus is good for your health.

Many may have dated a few days with the children at Christmas. You have a great time sharing holidays with your children, but it is also quite tiring. And nobody said that traveling with children was easy.

On a topic that creates controversy, we talk about a promising book, by title and by its author, which will go on sale in the next few days: 'In Defense of vaccines', the new book by Carlos González.

The parents of twins or two children of similar ages will find the most original idea of ​​tuning an Ikea table to make a double high chair. A good proposal to save money and space at home.

We have sketched a smile (his father not so much) to know the last crushed of Aran, son of our Armando. In a rage attack he has blown his laptop by breaking one of the axes of the screen. We take this opportunity to encourage you to send us photos of your children's last report to stories of [email protected] so we share them on the blog.

We have talked about a fairly frequent custom in children who begin to take their first steps. There are many babies who walk on tiptoe. We have provided extensive information about this habit, its causes, what we can do to avoid it and when we should worry.

About the disorders in pregnant women we have talked about bruxism, clenching and grinding the teeth, a symptom that is usually attributed to the nerves or causes other than pregnancy.

We have shown some very striking images, that of childbirth seen for the first time thanks to an MRI. And in another order of things, but equally striking, we comment on the case of a child who was born on 11-1-11 at 1:11, which shows us once again that human stupidity has no limits.

Another news that we have commented, and that particularly has made me happy, is that bullfights on television stop being broadcast for the sake of children because they cause anxiety and anxiety in children. (And in many adults, too)

As always, we had a lot of interesting content in Babies and more in recent days. This week much more.

Video: Tom's Stream Highlights: The Wrong Effect Jan 28, 2018 - Feb 3, 2018 (July 2024).