"Mom works at home," the conference

We have attended the virtual conference that we announced recently and we want to share this interesting experience with our readers. “Mom works at home” It has also published the audio of the conference on its website, and will be available until July 2 for free.

Mónica Salazar has been a mother since 2004 and has worked at home since 2006, educating her son personally, which could only be possible, being a single mother, conducting her business from home.

At the conference he explains the resources needed to work from home, focused exactly for mothers who want to be able to stay with their children all the time without having to look for an external job. In addition to this review, I encourage you to listen directly, I strongly recommend you.

If we are moms and want to earn money working from home, we have to be very clear and organize well. Both being aware and valued, enjoy the time we will gain for our lives families, have a good way of working, adequate material resources and find the work that we will fit in, is very important.

The resources necessary to carry out this type of work are an important part of the work. Have a good computer, adequate connection and a space and time, flexible but organized, to devote to work. Children soon understand that their mother needs time dedicated to work and they will always want us to spend more time with them, but they understand it and we can always plan to work the time they are playing with another person or resting.

For example, I usually do it when my son goes for a walk with Dad a couple of hours two afternoons a week and another two hours that he will play at the grandparents' house. Also, if I need it, I spend a while when he falls asleep at night. And especially I work on Saturdays, which happens at your dad's house regularly. I write, translate, give private lessons, and with that I can afford to be with my son at home without having to work outside and devote myself especially to what interests me most right now, being with him, enjoying mutual company and taking care of his education. Each one of us can do it in the way that best fits us.

Mothers who decide to work at home To be with their children, they sometimes need to rediscover the pleasure of being with them, which for different reasons may have become complicated. Dedicated to work outside, we arrived so tired that the children were exhausting us. Before taking the step of working having them at home, if that happens to us, it would be good to recover the pleasure of your permanent company. If the child is going to go to school, we will have a guaranteed time of concentration in the work, the house or ourselves, but the time that he is, it is worth to enjoy it intensely. In addition, the peace of mind of knowing that if you are ill or have vacations we will be available is something to consider as well.

Above all, to value the main role of educator and mother, which is the most important that we are going to have, will give us the peace of mind to be aware and able to organize working time in the business in a very good way, to optimize it . Concentration and planning are necessary to avoid wasting time on things that will not bring us benefit or learning, because if we have a fair time we cannot lose it.

Obviously you have to sacrifice things, time to go out, go on a trip, watch TV or meet friends. You always have to leave things but everything is to make our own value scheme. We may have to give up leisure time or more money, but if what we really want is not to have to look for work outside the home, it will compensate us.

Offer internet services, as a translator, secretary or web designer, charging quickly, is a way to get a job from home. Sometimes this type of work is overwhelming because things can come to you one night to deliver in the morning, but it is still a great option for mothers who have experience in these tasks. It is a field in which there is a lot of demand and if you are a good assistant or secretary, you will have a job.

Another option, if it is for whatever reason, does not fit us, is to work selling content: writing on blogs that have advertising revenue, on one of another person or on your own page. Advertising is the source of income and there are several ways to get it, by including links, ads or promoting a product.

We can also have a link to sell certain products of a virtual store, and to charge a commission of the sale of the form that we agree with the central of the sale, being this the one that takes care of the shipment, coordinating the sale without having to invest in logistics or distribution, nor have the product directly in a warehouse. There are sales by catalog of many products and we can deepen in that field to adapt it to us.

The most interesting thing is to sell your own and novel product. There are already many moms making cloth diapers or baby carriers or natural products. It is complicated to get customers if many people are already selling that. But of course, this third way, which is to sell a product directly online, preferably ours, such as books, classes, courses or artisan products, is very interesting. Even if we offer services and products we can promote them with our website, presenting the catalog and taking orders.

The truth is that in the "Mom works at home" conference We can find much more detailed information with resources and pages to go to expand the information and get in touch with people with experience in this type of business. I hope you find it interesting.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).