Lovely video of a baby learning to drink in a glass

In spite of the indications of many experts to the babies we are accustomed to give them to drink in the bottle during much more time of the necessary one, delaying the learning of the use of a glass. In this beautiful video we can see a baby who is discovering the use of the cup normal to drink and seems to enjoy it a lot. I have found it very tender.

Although the bottle, in children who are not breastfed, also fulfills the function of allowing them to partially soothe at least their sucking instinct, its use is not incompatible with the vessel. In breastfed babies, after six months, when other foods are introduced, using the glass to drink water would be indicated.

If we are using complement or if, we simply opt for mixed breastfeeding, not introducing the bottle has advantages, since we get rid of it can interfere with the form of breast suction.

Not using teats allows us to drink without taking anything special, just taking care that the glass or cup are perfectly washed and do not have any small scoriation, because in these germs accumulate.

And, as we can see in this video, babies are able to use glasses and cups from very small children.

Video | Youtube

Video: Baby drink water in big glass lovely smile (July 2024).