Hugs for all occasions

There is not nothing better than to receive the affectionate hug of a son. There is nothing better than giving it to him. The bond between parents and children is reinforced by such close physical contact. And, if you look, hugs (unlike kisses) are reserved only for the closest, the most loved.

The emotional benefits of hugs are immense, they are a source of joy that also makes children feel safe and protected, apart from esteem. That helps them discover the world or do digestion are other reasons not to deny them.

Especially in the first months of the baby's life, the contact and warmth that we give them in the form of a soft hug will provide them with multiple benefits, especially if we talk to them calmly and look into each other's eyes.

What to say when that gesture makes the crying disappear, because they are uneasy, because they have woken up or startled, nothing better than the warmth of the maternal or paternal hug to transmit security and well-being.

When they grow, the hug can become a game, a fun and exciting gesture that should be enhanced. When we get home after work, when we go for a walk and play “who loves me more”, before going to sleep or waking up… What better way to start the day!

Since they are newborns and we have to hug them delicately without receiving a squeeze or a smile from them, until they throw us running and shouting into our arms, there is a whole process of mutual and unstoppable growth.

Unstoppable, because we must continue cultivating that love in the form of a hug, and that years or distance make us forget that contact that expresses so much without words.

Video: I Kiss you I Hug you I love you with all my heart (July 2024).