Gives birth to twins and the second is born two days after the first

They say that "you will not go to bed without learning one more thing", because this is what I learned today, that a twin birth can be spaced up to two days (and more).

Hayley Phillips had her first baby, Ryan, in the sink of her house, 11 weeks before she left the twins. Once he was born he assumed that Lewis, his second son would come just after.

The truth is that it was not so. Once he arrived at the hospital after giving birth to his first baby the contractions ceased, as if all the work had finished and there was no other child to give birth.

The mother was watching the little Ryan, who was in an incubator, for two days, at which time she went into labor again. "The doctors had not seen anything like it before"commented Hayley.

In the account of the events, Hayley, 31, explains that he was at home when he noticed an acute pain in the abdomen. He went to the bathroom and suddenly felt a tremendous desire to bid. "Everything went very fast. One minute I was watching TV and the next I was in the sink giving birth. ”

The mother went to the hospital where doctors waited for the second delivery imminently. However there was no labor.

For two days the mother was controlled and on the first ultrasound confessed feeling sorry “Because I want my babies to be together again. I find it very rare to see Lewis alone in my belly ”.

After 51 hours, Lewis was born. He had more problems than the elder, because his lungs were very poorly developed and doctors had to induce coma to treat him.

Five weeks later, the two twins could definitely meet and the parents have them both together again.

As a curiosity, the birthday will be celebrated on the intermediate day between both births.

As you can see, nature sometimes becomes situations as strange as this. It is surprising that something like this happened although I want to point out that a similar situation occurred in 2003, when two twins They were born with a difference of no less than 9 days old.

Video: Vaginal breech delivery and symphysiotomy (July 2024).