The most suitable shoes for the first steps

We were already talking about what was the most suitable footwear for crawling, and now we take another step, never better said, and we are at the moment when the little ones start to walk. What is the most suitable footwear for your first steps?

Approximately between 11 and 14 months, most children begin to walk. At this time the baby's feet must bear the weight of his body during the time he is standing. The first baby shoes are aimed at protect the foot and provide balance and stability so that the child feels safe, while favoring the proper functioning and musculoskeletal development.

We must bear in mind that these are still faltering feet, which could adopt vices or postures forced by the overload to which they are subjected for the first time, so the shoe must adapt very well to them. They should be soft, comfortable and free joints to allow freedom of movement.

You have to find the balance between flexibility and firmness, since while adapting to their movements, the shoes have to support the ankle, and it is essential that they are reinforced at the toe and buttress to protect the foot from possible trauma.

The sole It can be made of leather or rubber, as long as it allows the foot to flex, which dampens the impacts of the foot on the ground and does not slip. Soles with small embossed drawings help prevent slipping. The last of the shoe must be wide so as not to compress the child's foot. The finishes must be smooth to avoid chafing.

The closures they can be with velcro, buckles or cords, although what matters most is that they allow a wide opening of the shoe so that the child's foot enters easily, without causing forced postures or that the foot is in a bad position inside the shoe (for example , with clawed fingers) without our perceiving it.

The first shoes should not be too tight or too baggy, and we will have to take into account the type of sock (thinner or thicker) that we will usually put on.

As to the materialsIf the shoes are made of leather they will favor perspiration and prevent chafing.

There are many issues to consider, but it is not difficult to find these requirements for a good shoe, and the search will always be worth it.

Video: The most suitable shoes for the first steps of the baby (July 2024).