Tips that help children in the period of adaptation to nursery school

There are thousands of children who attend nursery or nursery school for the first time, and there are twice as many adults who leave school with their hearts in a fist when they leave their toddler crying inconsolably.

Young children cry in the adaptation period when their parents' separation occurs, they think that this separation will be permanent. Faced with this situation, some children live it in an anguishing way, others accustomed to spending time with other people, cry because they rebel against the situation. This characteristic of crying and protesting in school during the first days of school is completely normal and responds to its evolutionary state. Towards the nine months the anxiety of separation arises in which the child protests when his attachment figure moves away, is overcome, but is reactivated at eighteen and three years again.

There are a number of guidelines that We can make the parents so that the child lives his adaptation period as well as possible. The first thing is to talk about the nursery or the school and the teacher with enthusiasm. Tell them what can be done there; play with modeling clay, paint, etc. We should never show anguish when we leave, we must tell them relaxed that we will return in a while.

It is not necessary to “extend” the goodbyes, a few words of comfort, a kiss and the promise to come in a little while. If the farewell is prolonged, it will be harmful for the child and for the parents. Another extremely important thing is "do not disappear", that is, sneak out while the child is distracted. This is worse because it strengthens the feeling of abandonment.

It can also help them bring a transitional object, a teddy bear, a toy, their blanket with which it makes them feel linked to their parents, and therefore, their presence. It is as if they will take a piece of their home to school.

In a few days the child will gradually adapt to his new school environment. In any case, if the child has an overwhelmed response to the situation, if it is prolonged or there are very significant changes in behavior, it is necessary to go to a specialist.

Video: A Successful Preschool Transition: Managing Separation Anxiety (May 2024).