Physical activity only at school, and its consequences

Sedentary lifestyle in the little ones is a pressing problem in our society, and that leads to difficulties widely addressed in our pages, such as obesity. It seems that in general we do not pay the necessary attention to Healthy habits, neither for us, nor for our children. Food and physical activity are at the head of those great neglected.

The Autonomous University of Madrid has presented a study that states that more than half of Spanish schoolchildren only do physical exercise at school. If we take into account that the physical education class does not exceed a couple of hours per week, we realize that the necessary habit of physical activity It is completely unattended for these children.

Probably afterwards, they will not join friends to play a game, or to play rope, but will remain at home watching television or playing on the computer. The consistent, absolutely worrying figures are that 17% of schoolchildren accumulate high levels of body fat and 45% of young people present severe flexibility difficulties.

Remember that from daycare you can already encourage physical exercise to avoid sedentary behavior, and of course, from home, from the family, because if you exercise, they exercise. But unfortunately the data is that most parents do not play sports with their children.

Hopefully, measures such as the one recently proposed by the European Council, to increase gymnastic hours in schools, and everyone, starting with the elderly, take into account the importance of physical exercise for the health of our children.

Video: Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: Enhancing Student Health and Academic Performance (July 2024).