"I cling to my daughter and life. I want to live!", We talked to Yolanda, a mother diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time

If the protagonist of the following story had to be defined with a single word, that would undoubtedly be a "fighter." Yolanda is the mother of an eight-year-old girl, a photographer by profession and a blogger in her spare time. But Yolanda is, above all, a tireless fighter and a survivor.

12 years ago he overcame thyroid cancer, and four years ago he also beat breast cancer. But unfortunately, a few days ago he received the news that breast cancer had returned to his life. So Yolanda has put on her boxing gloves again and is about to jump into the ring for the third time. This beautiful woman of indelible smile and generosity in abundance, is an example of struggle and optimism, and that is why we wanted to talk to her on a day like today, in which we all join forces against breast cancer.

"I want to make all women aware of the importance of self-exploration"

"I had just had a medical check-up in February and everything was fine. But lately I was more tired than usual, I had lost some weight and I also had a slight pain in the armpit.".

"I had not explored for about two months, something I have always done, both before having breast cancer for the first time and of course later. But this summer I relaxed and let my guard down. So as soon as I noticed that slight pain I started to explore and I immediately felt a lump and I knew it was evil. The next day, the doctor sent me an ultrasound and they immediately confirmed my suspicions ".

In Babies and more, a young Mexican creates a bra capable of detecting breast cancer

"Now I am waiting to know the results of the tests that have been done to me and the biopsy. You have to know what type of cancer it is, whether it is widespread or not, and if it has been taken on time. All this will determine the type of treatment to follow. Waiting is the hardest. ".

"I feel anger and helplessness, but we have to fight"

"Right now, four years after my first breast cancer, is when I was starting to feel better physically, thanks to the work that both my psycho-oncologist and I have been doing. I could finally look in the mirror and see the woman I was before the illness, and that made me feel good".

"But following this news everything has changed. I feel terror, especially that there may be metastases, and I also feel anger, anger and helplessness, because right now I was starting to rebuild my life and again it has to start again ".

"As soon as they told me the news, I collapsed, but after crying everything I had to cry, I dried my tears and went to look for my daughter at school. Because I have to continue with my life, and although I do not take it away from the head, I try to be optimism. "

"My daughter is the one who gives me strength"

"To overcome my first breast cancer I grabbed my daughter, who at that time was three years old. It echoed in my head, again and again, that I couldn't leave her alone, and that I had to fight for her ".

"Also my family and my friends, both my usual circle and the friendships of 2.0, were very important in my recovery. I wish everyone could always count on the support of so many people united, sending you courage and positive energy to overcome the lowest days! ".

"And on this second occasion I think to rely on them. Since I have made the news public there are many people who have turned to me and that does not leave me alone. Your support is vital to travel the path of this hard disease ".

"I have many things to do, to live and to see, so I cling tightly to my daughter and to life. And although I am very afraid, I keep smiling at the world. I want to live!" In Babies and more The hopeful story of a mother who went through breast cancer while pregnant

"At the beginning, my daughter rejected me and I suffered a lot for her"

"My daughter was just three years old when I was diagnosed with the first breast cancer, and I thought it would be difficult for a child of that age to understand the physical changes that her mother had to go through. So I decided to explain from the beginning what was going to happen to me, always using phrases and explanations according to their age ".

"I told him that I was ill, and that they were going to give me medicine that would make my hair fall out, although then I would grow back. I also explained that I was likely to be tired from time to time, and that although I did not I could take her to the park as often as I did, dad and other relatives would do it for me. ".

"But during the first months, my daughter experienced my illness in a negative way. She rejected me, was ashamed of me and was very sad. Every night, before going to bed, she asked to see pictures of me before the illness ... she wanted to remind me How was it " In Babies and more Why you should stop telling your children "nothing happens" when they cry

"For me it was a very hard stage because I didn't know how to act with my little girl. So I asked her pediatrician for help to refer us to a child psychologist, but the bureaucracy is slow and the appointment never came. Luckily, little by little my daughter was accepting the situation better, and even became a great support for me. "

"Now I fear to tell you the news again. He is eight years old, he is more mature and maybe he would face it differently, but he still remembers when I lived it and cries for what I went through. So I recognize that facing me at the time of telling her is very scary, and I really don't know if I will ... "

"The magic layer", a children's story about breast cancer

"During my first breast cancer I realized that I needed to rely on resources to explain to my daughter what was happening, so I decided to write a children's story on the subject, with the objective of serving both of us as a souvenir when everything had happened "

"I contacted the illustrator Creandy Pedagoga, who did not hesitate to help me by making me some beautiful drawings to illustrate the narration. I titled it "The Magic Cloak", and in it explained what breast cancer is, but from an optimistic and fanciful view, to tell the children "

"The story was based on my story and how my daughter was living it.. It was about a mother and her daughter who put on a magic cape that gave them super powers to fight disease together. In its pages it also explained how my girl and I played to disguise ourselves with wigs and scarves and pretended to be pirates. The resource of the costumes was a great help for my daughter "

"It is essential to have a busy mind while the treatment lasts"

"I was working in a company when I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time, but then I had to take the leave because I was physically unable to continue with the same work rhythms. But Continuing to work or not during the illness depends a lot on each person and the type of work to be".

"Yes, work or it is not important to keep your mind busy for the duration of the process, because that helps you keep going, and not continually engage in negative thoughts. "

"Little by little I returned to work as a photographer, and reporting to newborns, children and families has also helped me to see the positive aspects of life, to surround myself with smiles and to set my mind and my goal is beautiful things, far from the illness"

"Breast cancer is not pink"

During the time that his first treatment lasted, Yolanda made great friendships. All of them strong and brave women who have fought the disease from the first moment, without losing the desire to live or smile, despite the adversities.

That is why, on a day like today, Yolanda wanted to remember them all, and claim that breast cancer is not pink:

"Having cancer is bullshit, and there is nothing pink about it. It is true that breast cancer survival has improved markedly in the last 20 years, and that according to AECC data the five-year survival prognosis of the diagnosis is greater than 80 percent "

"But there are also companions who stay on the road and it will not be because they have not fought with all their strength to continue living. That is why it is so important to continue investigating, show the reality of the disease and claim more resources. And that is not achieved by placing a pink bow on the flap and publishing photography on social networks"

"That is why, on a day like today I want to remember Miriam with special love, who left us two days ago. Great companion of battle, mother of two beautiful girls and fighter of eternal smile. I only wish that wherever it is, it shines with the same force with which it did on earth. For her, for all the women who left too soon, and for those of us who continue in the struggle: let us become aware of this harsh reality"

Acknowledgments | Yolanda Romano (Paris Maria)

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