Video: the force of love. The story of 2 athletes: a father and his son with cerebral palsy

This 4 'video is titled “CAN” and is the emotional true story of an Australian father, Dick Hoyt and his son, Rick with cerebral palsy.

This 60-year-old father showed up with his son to the Hombre de Hierro After training several years. This very hard test consists of 3 parts:

  1. Swim in the sea, or lake a stretch of 4 kms (in the morning cold)
  2. Take the bike immediately after swimming and travel an uninterrupted 180 km route, with very heavy ups and downs
  3. Finishing the bicycle route, the test ends with a marathon of 42.5 kms

They reached the goal in 17 hours! In this video (and in another 10 'you have below) you see how, since baby, the child is stimulated and integrated in all the family's recreational and sporting activities despite having been evicted by doctors at birth and who recommended them to be admitted to an institution because, according to them, it would only be a vegetable.

Do we each answer in intimacy to the questions I have asked in the previous post: compensation for birth?

  • What is life?
  • What is a "perfect" child?
  • What are perfect parents"?

Some children are not "normal" but are better and force their parents to be better people too.

I have no doubt that Hoyts are perfect parents and an example of willpower, effort, perseverance but above all Infinite love.

We live to leave the world better than we find it. Some suspend, the majority suppose that we will approve by the hairs, and a few take out matriculation of honor.

Thanks to all the families like the Hoyt for showing us that life is much more than having 2 arms or 46 chromosomes, that life is not to have but to be, and above all to show that the DELIVERY to children is not sacrifice but a way of life.

Thanks, thanks, thanks and a thousand times thanks.

Thank you for being perfect parents with also perfect children, in an imperfect world¡

Video: Son of Jerry Lewis Left Out of Comedians Will Says He Was Not Surprised (July 2024).