Selective mutism, inability to speak in certain situations

There are cases in which children talk with their parents apparently in a normal way, but when they interact with other children or adults they keep a silence that is not understood. In principle, parents think that their child is very shy and introverted, but in reality the child may not be able to speak in certain situations, it is what is known as selective mutism.

Specialists describe that 90% of children with selective mutism suffer a kind of social phobia, a continuous fear of facing social situations that they have to be part of or interact with, they feel observed and remain silent, although they keep the activity.

It is not easy to detect selective mutism early, many times it is perceived when the child starts school, when after a month of the beginning of classes he continues with an unusual behavior in him, with the aforementioned characteristics, he stays mute, plays with classmates and attend to everything, but does not speak. The causes are unknown, but it is known that there is a hereditary component that affects biological and environmental factors. This disorder usually affects children from 3 to 8 years old, they are generally intelligent, curious, perfectionist, affectionate and very sensitive children. It is of great importance to detect selective mutism and put means to overcome it so that anxiety levels do not increase. This anxiety causes suffering to the little ones, which can negatively affect their personal, social and educational development.

It is necessary to be valued by a specialist, the precise treatment of the collaboration of the whole environment of the child, family, school, etc. If you suspect that your child has this disorder, do not hesitate to consult with your pediatrician for an evaluation, do not give up your efforts until you find a good professional, there is little research in this regard and also little training of specialists in both medicine and in education, which can lead to receiving a wrong diagnosis.

Video: Children With Disorder Unable to Talk in School (July 2024).