Do young children practice Ramadan?

In our country there are a good number of Muslim immigrants who maintain their customs, traditions and of course the religion they process. We have just entered the Ramadan period, one of the most important moments for the Muslim community.

For a month, Muslims perform fasting by keeping it fervently without anything getting in it, but Are children also subject to fasting for the month of Ramadan?

Only if the parents want it as long as the child enjoys good health, it is contemplated that it is the parents who must motivate him and introduce him into this practice so that he gradually gets used to it and in the future, when he is older, can he do it. without any problem.

Our concern is focused on the health repercussions that a child can suffer from the practice of fasting subject to the month of Ramadan. According to some studies, the effects of fasting on the body are not healthy, different hormonal levels vary significantly, such as that of the antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin), responsible for the conservation of water in the kidneys or the stimulation of water and water reabsorption. you go out. Another hormone that is also affected is gastrin, implicated in the digestive system, specifically in the secretion of acids, the consequences of performing this type of fasting that leads to gastrointestinal problems such as heartburn or intestinal abnormalities. The truth is that this fast is related to a large number of disorders in the body and it is not recommended that children practice it.

It must be taken into account that children are in a continuous period of development and growth and it is not recommended that they practice fasting, in the link of the Medical and Medical Humanities Foundation they provide us with various information subject to several studies that show that the fast of the Ramadan is a practice not recommended for health.

More information | Urgente24 More information | Medical Foundation and Medical Humanities More information | Wikipedia More information | Wikipedia (annex)

Video: What is Ramadan? Fasting & Giving During the Islamic Holy Month - Today's Biggest News (July 2024).