Hypertension in pregnancy predisposes to overweight in the next 20 years

In addition to the complications that can lead to hypertension during pregnancy such as developing preeclampsia or risk of premature delivery, it is also one of the factors that would indicate that the woman will gain weight in the future.

This has been pointed out by Australian researchers, more specifically a team from the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Queensland, who have proven that Women with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy are more likely to gain weight in the next 20 years than those with uncomplicated pregnancies.

They also said that they are more susceptible to heart disease, hypertension or clots in the future.

They found that it is a consequence that occurs both in women who were obese when they became pregnant and in those who were not.


While obese women are more likely to develop hypertension during pregnancy, it does not mean that those who are not cannot have it. In fact, most of the women who participated in the study who developed hypertension had a normal weight before becoming pregnant.

In any case, the important thing about the study is that it will allow women who may suffer from obesity to be identified in time, and it is interesting to take the prevention of the problem more seriously.

Video: Preeclampsia & eclampsia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).