Malnutrition in the uterus favors obesity

Within the Congress of the Spanish Society of Basic and Applied Nutrition (SENBA), the specialist in human nutrition, Jordi Salas-Salvadó, has also been heard about the malnutrition in uteroHe recalled that in addition to the health and development risks of the future baby, predisposed to obesity in adulthood, because the lack of food in the first months of life inside the uterus causes changes in the metabolism, the little that ingested becomes glucose for immediate use or to reserve it in the form of fats.

Salas also explained that especially disadvantaged populations that have undergone an economic market transition and were born with low weight due to malnutrition in the womb, are also more likely to develop, in addition to obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperinsulinism, hypertension arterial, asthma or cardiovascular diseases, since this transition has changed their lifestyle, working their fields and eating healthy products, they have other jobs with less effort and less access to depending on what food. Anyway, there are those who have not suffered from malnutrition in the womb and even eating little fattening much, this is due to genetic predisposition, according to this doctor, you have to meet two requirements to be obese, one is the genes and the other access to the food.

Feeding is a matter of concern, since a baby is pregnant we can be predisposing to develop future diseases. We could say that the main thing to have a healthy family is to start caring for one's own food, what you transmit to your baby when it is in your belly, together with the example that you will give him from birth and throughout his life, can guarantee A very favorable state of health.

Video: "The Science of Obesity: Fighting Fat with Fact" presented by Dr. Susan Bagby (July 2024).