When to reveal the secret of the Magi to children

There are many children who sooner or later discover the secret that has captivated, excited, cheerful, etc. for a few years. It's not advisable unveil the secret of the Magi to a child when he is still in an immature phase to understand it. The child must be able to understand the meaning of the cultural or religious tradition in which the secret is immersed.

This is what the doctor of Psychology of the Faculty of Medicine of the CEU San Pablo University, Amable Cima, explains. Ideally, start the conversation at another time of the year, showing everything that surrounds this wonderful secret. A child who blindly believes in the Magi can have a really bad time and even interpret that parents try to deceive him, hence the way in which parents explain it together with a more mature age of the child is very important. We must channel the belief in the Magi with weight values ​​such as goodness or love and banish as far as possible the toy hypertrophy to which some parents are subjected, the fact of providing the child with the best toy does not imply that the child is happier, the emotional lack that he may have suffered during the rest of the year due to absences motivated by work, lack of attention, etc., cannot be substituted in any case for a good gift.

Without realizing it, we can rush the child into the world of pure and hard consumerism, banishing values ​​that are truly important and that are not compatible with consumerism. Revealing the secret of the Magi is also a mandatory task, the child will appreciate values ​​that until now he did not know and will grow emotionally for the parents' joy.

Video: 11 Magic Tricks Kids Can Do (July 2024).