If you are asthmatic, do not neglect your treatment during pregnancy

Many future moms who are asthmatic reduce their treatment and even abandon it because they fear it may affect the future baby. Experts warn about the dangers involved in not carrying out the treatment and indicate that this action may be the cause of some serious problem in both the future mother and the baby.

A study prepared by members of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Varnderbilt (United States), indicates that an error in the treatment of asthma of the future mother, such as stop taking medication, can lead to serious problems arising from lack of oxygen.

Asthma is one of the diseases that complicates a pregnancy with more frequency, for this reason, an exhaustive study was conducted giving reliable data on the importance of maintaining treatment despite pregnancy. 8,149 asthmatic women who were aged between 15 and 44 years were followed. The women provided data on the treatment they followed before and during pregnancy until the 26th week of pregnancy. Initially, up to 83% of future moms followed the treatment properly, but as of week 13 of gestation, up to 22.9% stopped taking the inhaled anti-inflammatories used to improve the disease.

According to the study, it is not clear why the future moms stop taking the treatment, but surveys indicate that the fear of harming the future baby with medications is what really prevails.

Specialists indicate that it is very important and necessary for pregnant women to maintain adequate asthma control and ensure that they use the appropriate medication through the recommendations of the specialists. Making a decision on your own without weighing the risks, can lead to serious problems for the future baby, it is doctors who are trained to advise what should be done for the sake of our child.

Video: Dr. Gabor Maté: Parental Stress and Its Impact on Kids (July 2024).