You are afraid of dolls, pediophobia

We are surprised by adults, it seems a lie but it happens, there are small children who suffer from pediophobia, that is, they have fear of dolls.

On many occasions children are scared to see their favorite television characters in "real size", we mean a person dressed as Mickey Mouse, Teletubbie, Lunnis, even clowns can be scared . It can be considered normal, if your child, after watching them on TV at a small size and with a certain distance, suddenly encounters something immensely large, bigger than their parents even and approaches with movements of joy (that he / she may consider brusque), to make her smiley ...

Your reaction is clear, you get very nervous and cry inconsolably. He is afraid, and you with all the illusion, you had taken him to see that character that he likes so much, but he has become a terrible being. But in less situations, it also happens that the small dolls that are made to measure and for your enjoyment, cause pediophobia. They are normal dolls, but they can have an expression that makes you dread just by seeing them (although it seems to us the sweetest doll in the store), or those dolls that cry and emit sounds that are not expected, and when you hear it, you scares and does not want to touch her again.

What to do?. To begin, there is no need to worry, these fears are the reflection of a slight emotional immaturity. Do not force the little one to face these fears, just letting time pass will make them disappear.

Video: Why Are Dolls & Dummies Creepy? Darkology #19 (July 2024).