What is the personalized birth plan and how it is made

Childbirth and birth is a physiological process in which multiple unpredictable factors intervene. However, with the help of Personalized birth plan of the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital, the future mother can express her preferences and wishes regarding the interventions and protocols that can be given throughout the delivery. We tell you what exactly is the birth plan and how to prepare it.

What is the birth plan

The birth plan It is an optional document in which the mother collects all her wills at the time of giving birth. The Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital has a Personalized birth plan fully individualized and adapted to the specific needs of each parturient, with all the hospital medical guarantees of the center. In this way, each birth experience is unique and fits as much as possible to the wishes of the future mom.

Thanks to this document, the mother who gives birth in this center can express her opinion regarding the different interventions and protocols that can be given throughout her birth and establishes the way in which she would like to face it. Doctors and healthcare staff take into account and respect your opinion while the delivery evolves normal and there are no risks for the baby or the mother.

In this way, the birth experience is much more customized and flexible and the leading role of the mother is much more taken into account.

The birth plan is a "under construction" document that should not be too rigid, so that mom's wishes can be adapted to different circumstances

Although the birth plan can begin to be developed at any time during pregnancy, it is normal for be prepared continuously over the months. It is a "under construction" document and it is recommended that it not be too rigid, so that the wishes of the mother can be adapted to the different circumstances and changing events that may occur throughout the process. For example, you can choose to do without epidural anesthesia at first, and decide to use it finally.

If during the birth there will be complications that require specialists to move away from what is stated in the mother's birth plan, professionals will advise the most appropriate performance. The mother will be informed and requested Your consent for the corresponding performance.

How to make a birth plan

He Sanitas birth plan It is a simple document, presented in the form of test questions and easy to fill out. It reflects the different stages of the entire process since the arrival at the hospital of the mother. To know what to put in the birth plan, the mother should only reflect on her own desires in relation to the birth experience before filling in the blanks with her preferences or choosing the options that are made available to her.

  • Regarding pain. The mother may express her desire to give birth with or without medications that relieve pain, including epidural anesthesia. In addition, Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital offers moms alternatives to alleviate pain such as the use of vines or fitballs, and physical measures such as heat / cold.

  • Special needs. If the mother has special needs due to differences in capacity, culture or language, she can leave them specified so that the center can take them into account.

  • Companion and dilation process. In the space dedicated to the companion, the mother can express whether she would like to be accompanied by her partner, a friend, a sister, her mother or any other family member. Regarding the birth process, the La Moraleja University Hospital in Madrid also offers mothers a wide range of options: listen to the music they want, drink water or juices during labor, have freedom to walk, go to the bathroom or to change posture until epidural anesthesia is administered are just some of the center's options. Likewise, mothers can have different support elements for childbirth: balls, cushions and other objects that the mother brings and that can be used in the hospital space.

  • Procedures Moms can choose the posture that gives them the most comfort during the process and limit vaginal exams to the essential minimum. Rupture of the amniotic bag will not be performed routinely, nor will intravenous oxytocin be administered, nor will labor be induced except by medical recommendation if the mother so wishes. In addition, the mother can express her desire to be informed in understandable language of each of the procedures.

  • During the delivery. Here, for example, the mother may request that her pubic hair not be shaved, that she not have an enema or that she should not have an episiotomy without need. You can also leave in writing your wish to have your companion cut the umbilical cord or not cut it until it stops beating. La Moraleja University Hospital offers the possibility of using mirrors so that the mother can see the birth of her baby, can touch her head or even remove it with her own hands as much as possible.

  • After delivery In this space the mother can detail if she wants the umbilical cord not to be cut until it stops beating, her companion cuts it, if she wants to donate the cord blood or if she prefers to keep it.

  • The newborn. Regarding her baby, the mother can specify that she does not want to be separated from her baby as soon as she is born since she wants to practice skin contact with immediate and uninterrupted skin, or begin to establish breastfeeding. In this case, care for the newborn will be carried out in the delivery room itself and in the presence of the parents. The administration of preventive medications and vaccination of the newborn can be done while the baby is in skin-to-skin contact with the mother.

  • Breastfeeding La Moraleja de Sanitas University Hospital makes available to mothers an advisory and help service to achieve successful breastfeeding. No supplements or artificial milk will be administered to the newborn except in case of absolute necessity if this is the wish of his mother.

All wishes expressed by the mother will be respected by the center whenever possible, unless there are causes of force majeure. Once made, the birth plan must be delivered to the hospital before giving birth. But if the mother presents it on the same day of her hospitalization together with the rest of the necessary documentation, she will still be respected even with the contractions in progress.

In the hospital, at home

Although something common and completely understandable is the desire of all mothers to be discharged as soon as possible with their babies to be able to enjoy their recent motherhood quietly and in family, the Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital offers them the greatest comforts to do your stay as pleasant and comfortable as possible. In its facilities the new parents have a single room with Wi-Fi, multichannel television and light regulation at all times.

High comfort facilities have exclusive spaces designed to maximize the mother's well-being and the comfort of her companion. They have the most complete equipment and with free and additional services as an à la carte menu, food service for companions, religious assistance service or a whole series of VIP services.

Images | iStock / NataliaDeriabina.

Video: Baby Delivery as Described by Lucy (July 2024).