Whether Brad and Angelina or strangers, the most important in any separation are the children

We had heard rumors of rupture before but finally it became official yesterday: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Hollywood's iconic couple separates. After twelve years together and having formed a large family, they hung the "the end" sign on their love story. They will not remain a couple, but they will never cease to be, above all, parents of their six children: three adopted children (Maddox, from Cambodia, Zahara, from Ethiopia, and Pax, from Vietnam), and three biological ones (John, Knox and Vivienne).

But as famous as they are and as much as a priori it may seem that they have it easier than others, the separation of a couple is a bitter moment for anyone, especially when there are children involved. Why whether Brad and Angelina or strangers, the most important in any separation are the children.

The children first and foremost

Brad broke the silence and said he was very sad, as is logical in such a difficult situation, and put the focus on what truly needs to be taken care of above all in a divorce: the welfare of their children.

"" I am very saddened by this. But what matters most right now is the well-being of our children. I kindly ask the press to give them the space they deserve during these difficult times. "

Angelina has tattooed the coordinates of the places where her six children and Brad Pitt were born

For children, the most important thing in their life is their family. That their emotional core is broken supposes for them a very hard trance to assimilate, where compression and parental support is essential.

Although each family situation is different, in every separation there is something in common: a great emotional crisis, a period of transition for parents and children who each lives their own way.

That a couple has not worked well on a loving level does not imply that as parental couple they can continue to function as well as before, or even better, as in many cases.

How children feel about divorce

Children react in many different ways, depending on the stage of development and the personality of each one.

The sadness and the feeling of vulnerability When breaking the "shield" of the family in which they grew up are the most common feelings. In some cases children may go through a transitional stage in which they will be more introverted, more nervous, more aggressive, or may even feel guilty about their parents' separation.

In the end, what matters, above all, is the good of the children. They must feel lovedLet them know that it is not their fault, and even if they are no longer a couple, mom and dad will always be there for whatever they need. And of course, as parents they must have a cordial and civilized relationship.

A couple I should never look down on the other part looking for the son or children to take sides for the father or mother, or generate "jerks" of any kind. The most affected are always the children. But we believe that it will not be the case of the Brangelin.

Photos | Gtres, iStockphoto
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