Food for children in summer: ideas to enjoy with the family

The climate change that spring brings, and especially summer, makes us modify some habits of our day to day to adapt to high temperatures. In addition to replacing coats with short sleeves and sandals, in the coming months we will change our shopping list, choosing fresher foods and according to the new season. In this article we want to give you some healthy ideas, both for children and adults, with which to better withstand the heat, as well as some guidelines to enjoy family meals, especially on vacation.

Refreshing dishes Season products

When the thermometers start to rise like the foam it is recommended that you adapt your menus to the new station. On the one hand, because you will rarely fancy hot stews, such as stews or soups and, on the other, because it is convenient that, in the case of fresh products, you always try to choose seasonal and proximity products. Recipes based primarily on fruits, vegetables and vegetables They are, in addition to healthier, lighter due to the high water content of some of these foods.

Tomato, cucumber, avocado, cherry, watermelon, melon, plum, peach... These are some of the proposals that we recommend incorporating into your diet during these months. Combined with cereals, such as pasta or rice, or with legumes you can prepare rich dishes that will be very easy and quick to prepare, without forgetting that they provide us with most of the nutrients necessary for a balanced diet, as reflected in the NAOS pyramid of the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition (AECOSAN).

A good way to present this type of ingredients is in salad, a very versatile dish and result that you can prepare in a moment and even take it to the beach or the field on a picnic day. And if what drives you crazy is fruit, summer is your moment, since there are large number of fruits of this season that can be prepared in many different ways and also be served in a very fun way, something that will surely delight your children.

Lack of appetite in summer

The high temperatures of the summer months can affect the eating habits of the little ones of the house It is usual that with heat, children and babies have less appetite and reduce food intake. In addition to offering light dishes, we recommend you look cool places to eat, ventilated or with air conditioning. When choosing lighter meals we must make some 4 or 5 meals a day, a recommendation that also serves the coldest months.

If you are faced with the loss of appetite of children, we advise you to be patient as it is probably due to a passing situation due to heat. Do not force them to eat and respect when they say they do not want more, because they are probably already satiated. Although the loss of appetite in summer is a frequent occurrence, if you notice that they have been like this for a while, you should tell your pediatrician.

Keep in mind that at this time of the year it is convenient to keep adequate hydration. That implies, especially in the case of children, offering them water very often. It is not advisable to abuse carbonated drinks or fruit nectars, as they usually carry high added sugar content. If you want to offer them a healthy and refreshing drink, you can prepare water with flavors at home by following these steps.

Keep routines

In addition to the increase in temperatures, in summer there are other changes That can affect our eating habits. Without going any further, for several weeks schedules and routines are disrupted and that also directly influences the way we eat. Classes are over, entertainment activities increase and, hopefully, we go on vacation.

Although it is a time that we should enjoy to the fullest, we should keep some of the family routines that we have been acquiring. Try always eat at the same time so as not to alter the children's daily rhythm too much. If you are away from home, do not overdo your food: You can eat rich and healthy also during the holidays. To compensate for some excesses of the time, you can Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables in some meals of the day, such as breakfast and snack, and thus balance the diet a bit throughout the summer.

Eat with family

Now that you have more free time, remember the importance of family eating and its benefits. On the one hand, you will get the child to feel interest in the food eaten at home (that is why it is so important to opt for healthy options), as well as you can introduce new flavors and textures. On the other hand, your children will actively participate in a social event in which, in addition to eating, anecdotes are shared, day to day, and, in short, a fun time is spent around the table.

So that the child feels comfortable and comfortable at the table, the most appropriate is provide a highchair appropriate to your age. We must also take this into account if we go on a trip or if we eat at a relative's house. In the market there are portable high chairs which are the best solution for these cases, because of their versatility and dimensions They allow us to use them both at home and outside. The Chicco Mode elevator will accompany the little one of the house from the beginning of the complementary feeding, at 6 months, until 3 years of age.

its quick installation and easy folding They make it a very useful accessory for eating out, going to grandparents' house or using it during trips and getaways.

As you can see, to adapt our food to the new station, it is enough to apply some simple guidelines: Eat lightly, choose refreshing products and dishes, make sure you are well hydrated and stay in cool places. In this way, both you and the kids, you can better cope with the hot weather of summer and high temperatures.

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Photos | SbytovaMN / Ihar Ulashchyk / JackF

Video: 11 Food Ideas That Your Kids Will Love (July 2024).