Blogs of moms and dads: preparing some lentils, taking their own time, vacationing in Thailand and much more

Every day there are more fathers and mothers who turn their doubts, their joys, their experiences and their thoughts into a blog, configuring the so-called maternal blogosphere (and increasingly paternal too).

Today we give a review of one of those moms and dads blogs because we especially liked some of what they have published and because we believe it is very worthwhile to know it, if you are not already regular readers of many of them.

We start with an idea that brings together different blogs through a common monthly theme.

The promoter of this initiative is Merak Luna through your blog Cyclogenesis. She began to find less and less material on the web about childhood after six years or so and decided to launch with a maximum “There is life after 6!”.

If you have children from this age, do not hesitate to approach and read it. This month the issue has been the controversial school duties that for some children it is like a sentence that they have to fulfill every day when they leave class and it has been almost a dozen bloggers who have expressed their opinion and experience about it.

Sometimes we don't realize how important it is to be part of the group for our children, to socialize and share and the story that tells Mama corchea about his son and the “Invizimals” It is very clarifying about those little details that sometimes they make clear to us and at first glance they had escaped us.

Sonia from her blog UrbanMom He told us the latest project that Ferrán Adriá has embarked on in the good company of Disney. A project to encourage children to eat better, something that is always more than recommended for their current and future health.

Continuing with balanced food and eating, we stop at Mangiare at set table, the blog of Gen in which he gives us great recipes, such as those of these salty muffins that he sure enjoys his little as much as ours when we dare to prepare them.

And the step back that Marisa takes and tells in her blog Stressed mothers, leaving their children alone to prepare food, specifically lentils. One way to give them responsibilities, to teach them to fend for themselves and to show them how hard and rewarding it is to take care of the family's food, every day, every day, and several times a day! Yes, children grow up and mothers and fathers have to adapt with them to changes, don't you think?

In this adaptation there is an aspect in which we do not stop learning and trying, for them it is normal, it is part of their environment since they are babies, we have known them almost as adults. I speak of new technologies, new forms of learning and leisure. Katherine also known as Mom also knows, comments on the family blog how they organize at home so that digital leisure does not monopolize the day-to-day life of their children. A statement of intentions of the most interesting, worth reading and applying.

Leisure time, that "Dark object of desire" For mothers we see how it is reduced as we have family and this may be increasing in the same proportion as our leisure time is reduced.

Nerea in his blog, PeinetapintxosIt is precisely about what it is like to have a time of disconnection, of reunion, of feeling good about herself, of missing her family very much but of being tremendously happy with herself. A reflection full of friendship, a vacation to return with the desire to pamper, sleep little and respond to all your answers.

Of course, if on vacation we talked, I could not stop recommending you even at the risk of you becoming green with envy as it happens to me, the post that the boys from Families route About your vacation in Thailand. Yes, the four, two adults and two children because traveling is not old and learning, living and discovering together is one of those legacies that we can really leave our children facing their future.

No, it is not necessary to go so far (although we would not mind, right?) To have a great time together and the leisure plans that tell us Marujismo They are perfect for a getaway, for a family outing, something fun and appetizing for the whole family.

And this has been our review, you know that we continue reading blogs and we would love to read yours too, if you have a blog and want to tell us, we will be happy to do so.

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