An amazing photo shows how babies are in the womb at birth with the bag intact

There are many videos and documentaries that show us how babies are inside the womb but, how about a photo that shows us directly? Thanks to this baby, who born with the bag intact, we see the position of babies inside the uterus.

The second of a twin birth

The birth from which this photo comes is a twin birth. First the other baby was born, which came out of the buttocks, in a home birth that took place in the water. A few minutes later, specifically 16 minutes later, this baby arrived who was born in a cephalic position and who surprised everyone by carry the bag still intact (phenomenon known as veiled delivery). When they took it, they still had time to take a photo that will remain for posterity, which clearly shows how babies are in the womb in the last weeks of pregnancy, when they are bigger.

What does this photo tell you?

A baby that has just been born, completely shrunk, with his little hands touching his feet, inside the bag, about to start being part of the world outside of it. What does the photo tell you? Because he tells me many things, after a few seconds, but minutes, looking at the details.

In Babies and more Incredible veiled delivery of triplets: one of the babies is born inside the amniotic bag and they watch for seven minutes as it is inside the uterus

He tells me that shriveled, warm and wet, come from the darkness, to a place where they will have to start breathing, seeing, hearing and feeling, all at quite forced marches. Innocent and oblivious to everything, hoping that the hands that take it will be as friendly as possible to make this transition and learning a gradual process, always thinking about their well-being. He tells me that he must continue to receive human warmth, and that what he needs then is the warmth of his mother, that he embrace him and put him back in a shriveled position, this time in his chest, so that he feels that some things have not changed so much.

It tells me that we have all run a lot when minutes after birth many babies are already bathed, separated from their mothers, and with their first diaper and their first moltto. There is no hurry, he is not in a hurry: he only needs warmth and love, as soon as possible, because they are the first moments abroad and, let's not forget, they have their whole lives ahead to groom themselves and be presentable.

In Babies and more The incredible birth in the water of a baby born in the amniotic bag (video)

At birth, what a baby needs most is to continue as he is: shrunk and hot, in his mother's chest, to meet her, see her, smell her, and as soon as he can, hold on to his chest in what we know as oral imprint: If the first thing that enters your mouth is your mother's nipple, and sucks it, it is much easier for breastfeeding to go well.

But I don't roll up anymore What does this photo suggest?

Video: First Baby Delivered in North America Using a Uterus Transplanted from Deceased Donor (July 2024).