The seven most basic mistakes parents make with our second child

They say that when you are a first-time father you make a few mistakes, most of them can say that they are a product of either an excess of confidence or on the contrary of a lack of it, and what is usually the most common, a total and absolute lack of experience when dealing with a small being who barely occupies a nursery and seems to be breaking at the first exchange.

That is why, when the second one arrives, one thinks that the road is done and you will no longer be caught in "one of those", and it is true, a large part of the road will consist of going through areas through which have you gone before, diaper changes, porridge, baths, walks, etc. The problem is that there are others that we have already forgotten, especially as the brothers move away in time, such as colic, take them every few hours, wake up several times in one night, all that your mind hid , - of course for your own good -, deep down in your subconscious will come back out and will do it with the same intensity as it did the first time, making you believe that you are again a new father and forcing you to eat all those "if I already know this ..." Therefore, we hope you get rid of some of the seven most basic mistakes parents make with our second child.

Believe that the second child will be the same as the first

The first and one could say that the person responsible for 99% of the rest of the mistakes you are going to make. We are animals of customs and as much as we have been warned that each child is a world, we do not believe it until one day we turn around and our little son has dedicated himself to make a collage on the wall with our nail lacquers or with the older brother's markers.

But we never had a problem with the elder! There you said it, that's the main thing "with the eldest", but this is the little one that has nothing to do with his brother, except when they join ideas to bundle some together.

The trap boy's mistake

Derived directly from the previous one, it is to believe that the future little brother will be as good as his older brother. That he will sleep at once, although it really took almost two years to do so, but we already know that the bad moments are often forgotten, sometimes. That it will not catch tantrums or empty the detergent bottle in the washing machine, nor will it force you to change your TV because it has tried to see how stable the base is where you put it… things like that.

Remember that no matter how good and angelic your shoot is, life can always try to compensate for the situation and send you another, also very angelic, but with a spicy dot.

Believe that 1 + 1 = 2

All the life studying mathematics and repeating one and one, two, so that life arrives and breaks the norms and is that if something is certain it is that in the matter of children one and one, it will never be equal to two, never. With a child, even if you don't see it and think it's not like that, you still have room for yourself. Perhaps, at the beginning it is difficult to see it, but when the months go by you will see that if the child is entertaining or sleeping, to give an example, it will be time that you can take advantage of (it is incredible the ability to expand the time we have the parents) for you Well, for the house and those hundreds of "things for later" that you have out there.

But when a second child appears in the spotlight, time begins to decrease and the day stops having 24 hours or at least stops having hours for you and your things, because when it is not one that demands attention, the another and almost better not to claim it both at the same time because the result can be disastrous.

Make the older brother even older

Involving the older brother in the day-to-day upbringing of his younger brother is a good idea, but let's not forget that despite the greater we see him now when compared to his brother, he is still the same baby we saw few months Yes, the same baby who wanted you to tell him a story, that if you asked him what he wanted for dinner, he asked for sausages, which did not last a chocolate or a sigh and that three months ago you bought his first skates.

Believe that the elder will behave like an adult

There are times when we don't realize it, but having a newborn at home is so absorbing that we don't realize what is happening around us. With the first child, this really does not matter too much because the main thing is your baby and the rest of things can happen perfectly to the background, but with the second the thing changes, not everything can happen to the background, now you have to another offspring that requires your attention, in the same way he required it when his brother wasn't there. As I said, once you have a newborn at home it is difficult to see that his older brother is still a child and that he will behave like a child, making noise, running from one side to another, demanding attention, wishing to go out to the park or play with mom and dad, just as he was used to.

But we need him to be silent if his brother sleeps, that he doesn't bother his brother during the shots, that he does certain things just to help us with the little time a baby leaves us. But the child is still there, and it is certain that he will learn and assume many new things, especially without obtaining the approval and the place that corresponds to an older brother. But let's not expect our child to grow five or six years at a time, because he won't do it.

Not having saved clothes for a "possible" little brother

Ok, I know. Saving a child's clothes, especially those of the first two years, may require a logistical capacity worthy of a military camp, but it is something that in the end can save us a significant amount of money. Even if the siblings are of different sexes, there will be a lot of clothes that we can wear, especially if the little brother is a girl, - normally we are more reluctant to wear children pink. Some of the clothes of a newborn, which usually coincides with the most expensive, remain small with just a couple of sunsets and even some without being released. If we calculate an average of 4 euros per garment and assuming that we can use between 30 t-shirts, bodysuits, pajamas, pants and jackets about 30 pieces (which is usually the highest figure) we will have saved 120 euros, so low.

Believe that you will not be able to give them the love they deserve

Sooner or later, at some difficult time, of which I assure you there will be many, you will think that you are not doing well, that you no longer give for more and that your children do not receive all the love they deserve. Every father and mother will have thought about it a couple of times, at least, in their life. But it is not true, the love of some parents is not finite, it will not be spent. It is true that now everything has become more chaotic and complicated, that before you could pay much more attention to your son than now. But all that will be rationalized sooner or later and you can dedicate your time to each of your children, as they deserve. But have something clear, you are doing well, do not hesitate.

Video: The Sleep Nanny Solution 2: Common Parenting Mistakes (July 2024).