Six embarrassing discomforts during pregnancy

People often talk about nausea, weight gain, fluid retention ... but there are others less known topics about pregnancy. Topics that, either by shame, or by taboo, do not usually appear in everyday conversations but that many pregnant women suffer.

Are you some sun embarrassing discomfort suffered during pregnancy. With luck, you can say that you have not experienced anything on this list, but most pregnant women suffer more than one of these "hidden" symptoms.

Some inconveniences that it is difficult to talk about, even among friends, but that we cannot minimize if they worry us or affect our daily lives. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult with the gynecologist or midwife, surely it is not the first time they hear about it and can advise you.

Constipation and flatulence

Progesterone may be responsible for some uncomfortable situations throughout pregnancy: constipation and flatulence or gases Gastrointestinal movements are slowed by the large amounts of progesteone and relaxin that the body produces. The stomach swells, causes discomfort and gases make their appearance. It is best to go to the bathroom frequently and not "save" those flatulence, as the discomfort is accentuated.

Indigestion and slow and heavy digestions also favor the appearance of flatulence, so you have to avoid "bingeing" and too greasy or acidic foods.

Try to follow the advice to avoid constipation in pregnancy: eat a balanced diet with many foods rich in fiber, which help intestinal transit, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly ...

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Very related to constipation are hemorrhoids or piles. That "suffer in silence" is usually so. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy affect about 40% of women and are the result of the pressure received by the rectum area, especially in the third trimester, as well as the slowing of circulation and perhaps constipation problems.

Everything is combined to cause one or more hard and sensitive bumps to be seen in the anus area, they are the anal pads that have become inflamed and are very painful. It may cost you even to walk, but we often shut up this discomfort from shame.

Halitosis or bad breath during pregnancy

Fruit also of bad digestions, heartburn and / or nausea and vomiting, as well as changes in the composition of saliva, the pregnant woman may have a bad taste in her mouth and have bad breath. Do not forget the advice to have good digestions and minimize these and other "side effects".

Sometimes, it happens that nausea causes us to reject the taste and smell of toothpaste. In that case, try to wash even without paste, while you find another toothpaste that does not cause nausea. There are pastas of different flavors and smells, from mint to strawberry, herbs ...

But it is important not to neglect oral hygiene, not only because of bad breath but to avoid problems such as gingivitis, tooth decay ... The visit to the dentist is recommended at least once throughout pregnancy.


Many pregnant women are shiny but that special glow does not come from renewed skin but from sweat. Especially in summer, but maybe for more months than we would like, the pregnant woman usually perspires a lot and to avoid greater evils, it is best to wear light clothes, made of natural materials such as cotton, change clothes frequently ...

Due to hormonal causes, the body cleans toxins with greater intensity than in other periods and can increase body odor. Some women notice that this smell intensifies, and this is more evident by the special sensitivity to odors in pregnancy. In any case, maintaining proper hygiene prevents bad smell.

And me with these hairs! Body hair

Hormones sometimes, hopefully, can make you look like a mane like never before. There are many changes in hair during pregnancy, but Many pregnant women get hair where they didn't have it before. Body hair can increase on the face, on the belly, around the nipples ... So, we cross our fingers so that the skin and hair are beautiful in pregnancy and with respect to body hair, this usually disappears after childbirth.


We end up with a nuisance that may not be as embarrassing as the previous ones but may even be funny at certain times. Like when on the couch, half asleep, your own snores wake you up. Of course, maybe the couple who has to listen to the snoring of the ravine at night is not so funny ...

But, Why does the pregnant woman have a tendency to snore? Here they influence, as in almost everything, the hormonal changes that cause the blood vessels to dilate and cost a little more to breathe.

Nasal congestion (often accompanied by nosebleeds) is probably due to high estrogen levels and increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose. It is a common ailment in pregnancy and a side effect can be snoring.

The positions with which we sometimes "experiment" to be able to sleep (since it seems impossible to find a comfortable posture) can also influence snoring.

Sometimes snoring during pregnancy could be a sign of hypertension and sometimes it has been linked to gestational diabetes, but in general it will not present a major problem.

Fortunately, of these embarrassing discomfort during pregnancy We can say that they pass shortly after giving birth, when hormonal levels are restored and the mother's organism returns to normal. And do not worry, because the inconvenience does not happen only to you, however little you talk about them.

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In Babies and more | The least known discomforts of pregnancy, Six of the most embarrassing moments that happen when you are pregnant

Video: 2nd Trimester Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).