Yoga for pregnant women (video)

Yoga has many benefits during pregnancy, it is one of the most appropriate exercises during this stage, but it is not always possible to attend classes. In this video we find a practical yoga class in pregnancy, with the necessary instructions to do it at home.

The video shows several positions in detail, and also has different models for women who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second or third.

According to our case, we must follow one or the other and the teacher also makes specifications about the final stretch of pregnancy, when some postures or movements are restricted due to the increase in the volume of the gut.

The narrative also refers to breathing, so important in this technique and mechanisms that will help us relax. Yoga exercises are also suitable for postpartum, once we have physically recovered from the effort.

I liked that in a short time it provides graphically some basic postures with enough information to develop them more widely at home (with more repetitions ...) and that we do not need to buy anything, just find some comfortable clothes, a blanket and a suitable place to practice yoga , a surface that does not slip.

I hope this video with yoga exercises for pregnancy and after childbirth It is useful to you and you are encouraged to practice this technique that increases oxygenation and flexibility, which prevents backaches, increases abdominal muscles, relaxes the body and mind.

Video: Prenatal Yoga for Beginners, All Trimesters, Weight Loss & Flexibility for Healthy Moms (May 2024).