Dads and moms blogs: the finger generation, children who wear out and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with A witch and two toads, where they tell us about the adventures of these two little toads with mobile devices, the abilities of the children of the finger generation.

In A mom for two They tell us how a weekend with children in a rural house can be relaxing and revitalizing.

In We have boobs Ileana wanted to give another twist to the controversy of the week with Facebook explaining that neither breastfeeding nor giving birth are obscene or pornographic acts.

In The adventure of my pregnancy We found a very interesting entry about how parents can get to feel when our child stops being a baby and complications continue, when we thought everything would be easier.

In SOS Maternity This mother tells us that her children are exhausting her and how her vision of motherhood has changed before becoming a mother and after being a mother.

In Mom scissors Sonia tells us about postpartum depression going back to the times of her mother, who suffered it when she gave birth, and explaining how the definition of this condition has changed over the years.

In Mom cow We have seen how they have celebrated a Frozen-themed birthday, with many ideas in case someone soon has a birthday and does not know how to decorate everything.

And finally, in Mother Tiger We have read our ex-partner (when are you coming back?) to explain with a lot of art and sense of humor a story about the vile metal, and how her daughters did their best to make a profit, or not, from a particular market.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: BECOMING PARENTS FOR 24 HOURS!! W MyLifeAsEva. Brent Rivera (May 2024).