New FAROS notebook on creativity: the creative children of the present will be innovative adults

Yesterday afternoon the presentation of the new FAROS notebook took place in the Auditorium of the Teaching Building of the Sant Joan de Déu Hospital, which this time it deals with the subject of creativity. And is that the team responsible for this document, is convinced that "the creative children of the present will be innovative adults with better ability to adapt to the demands of society."

The event could also be followed in streaming, and its presentation was given by Dr. Jaume Pérez - Payarols, who is director of Innovation and Research at the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.

The introduction to the notebook was made by its coordinator: Professor José Antonio Marina, who we already know in this blog. Before closing, Dr. Mercedes Serrano talked about "creativity, health, development and childhood."

The notebook is aimed primarily at fathers, mothers and teachers, so that, both from home and school, we can foster creativity in all aspects of children's daily life

This is the eighth FAROS notebook, and I think many of you will be interested in knowing it, for this, you must follow this link, and request its download.

Answer questions related to the influence of creativity on the well-being and development of children, and it helps us understand it as a latent skill in all of us, which can be trained since childhood, so that as adults we know how to apply it.

In Peques and More | How we can stimulate creativity in children, "Creativity is learned just as you learn to read" Ken Robinson, "How to educate emotions" is a notebook with practical information and applications that puts the child as a central point of interest

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