April 23 is celebrated The Night of books in the Community of Madrid

The Madrid's community invites people from Madrid to honor their favorite author creating a giant portrait with post-its at the Puerta del Sol. It will be next Monday, April 21 and it is a celebration prior to The night of the books. From eleven in the morning you can participate in the creation of a giant mosaic made with post-its that will serve to compose the portrait of a famous writer. On each paper readers can write the name of their favorite author.

The ninth edition of The night of the books next Wednesday, April 23, with more than 600 activities in 58 municipalities from the Community of Madrid. I also recommend going around for any of the 200 libraries participants because they will also offer a 10% discount on book purchases and will be the meeting point with more than 500 recognized authors. The public libraries of Madrid will also organize a varied program with storytellers, workshops, recitals and talks with authors throughout the day.

It is intended to have a high impact on social networks and for this reason the #nochedeloslibros tag has been created on Twitter to follow the activities.

Again the motto of The Night of the Books is Can you give me a book? I give you a book Y 21 bookstores will go out in the Plaza de Callao, where there will be author signatures throughout the day of April 23, 2014. As we have said, discounts of 10% on purchases will be offered and the opening hours of their establishments will be extended. further 150 institutions Y 213 libraries Public offer a program of activities for all audiences.

For tourists and for reading enthusiasts, the Callao Square It becomes a meeting point for book lovers. From eleven o'clock in the morning on April 23 and until ten o'clock at night, 21 bookstores in Madrid will make available to readers and visitors a careful selection of titles. During the day different authors will come to the square to sign their books. In addition the authors will also be librologists why personally attend to readers to recommend the book that best suits your preferences and wishes.

There will also be book stands in the Plaza de Chamberí, on the boulevard of Ibiza Street, in the Plaza del Teatro Valle-Inclán in Lavapiés, Plaza Cataluña, Prosperidad Square, Principe de Vergara and Plaza de Castilla.

We will be very attentive to this Night of the books in which the objective is to encourage reading, discover the authors, share the family experience and start or consolidate the love for reading.

Video: Flims Tales (July 2024).