Baby dreams in beautiful pictures

This type of zenith photographs that feature a baby located in the scenarios and varied situations seem small works of art. There we see the baby turned into a painter, a teddy bear, a cowboy, an angel, a Bedouin, a musician, a cook, an astronaut ...

It’s about the project "Wengenn in Wonderland", Wengenn being the little son of Sioin Queenie Liao, a Chinese artist who, inspired by the photographer Adele Enersen who portrayed the dreams of her daughter Mila, decided to do something similar with her baby.

The idea of ​​the photographer was to create a series of snapshots that showed the exploration of the baby's world, and to create her colorful scenarios she has used common clothing and accessories that are in the houses and can charge an unexpected utility as props.

The photographs are taken while Wengenn took his nap, about two hours, when the mother took the opportunity to dress the baby for the "filming" (and would not do this before the baby fell asleep to avoid waking him with the rag of clothes? and create the imaginary world.

Let's not think anyway that each photo is the result of the success of a first attempt, since some of these images needed many shots up to three different days. However, the mother says that her baby is a "good sleeper" even today (the images have become popular now, but they date from 2010) and that the child seems very funny to be in the photos.

Just like his predecessor published a book about his baby's dreams in photos, the one hundred best images of the artist Sioin Queenie Liao are compiled in the book "Sleepy Baby", which was published in Taiwan in 2012 (and will soon be in English). In the text it provides the details of how he captured some shots. He also plans to create calendars with his photographs.

No doubt the images of this style are fashionable, but I assure you that if it was I who climbed the ladder to create something similar in a little way it would resemble these beautiful pictures that feature a baby and his dreams.

Official Site and Photos | Wengenn in Wonderland © Queenie Liao In Babies and more | Imagining your baby's dreams in photos, Beautiful and creative photos of your baby, by Isabel Cortés, Original children's photography: the adventures of the baby on a blackboard

Video: 2 Hours Wonderful Calming Musicbox Baby Music Soothing Bedtime Lullabies Sleep Dream Relax (July 2024).