Tricks for the little one to have a good breakfast

That our children have a good breakfast Everyday is important. Parents should try to create the custom or the habit of breakfast, dedicating him, if necessary, up to twenty minutes of his time - although for this he has to get up twenty minutes earlier.

To save time to time, the ideal is leave everything ready before getting into bed: cups, plates, cutlery and napkins on the table, as well as everything you don't need cold like jams, chocolate powder to chocolate milk, and fruit. This way we will be able to go with less hurry in the morning.

Implement the breakfast habit

It agrees lift them up with time so they can shower, dress, make their beds, and prepare their backpacks without hurry.

To try to ensure they have a good breakfast, it is best to get used to have breakfast with themAlso, we can enjoy starting the day all together.

For make breakfast a positive experience, we must ensure that food looks good and if it can be, are fun, so that breakfast becomes something good from your perception and not something they impose on you.

Breakfast, a pleasant family time

It is good to vary and get children to be encouraged to try new things, provided they are part of a balanced breakfast and go according to your needs and tastes.

Children love to participate in everything. Surely they enjoy making orange juice or putting butter on toast. Participating in breakfast preparation can stimulate appetite of the kids.

When children don't want breakfast, the best thing is do not alter, since they will soon realize that it makes no sense to mount a tantrum if we do not react before them.

The fact that the family has breakfast together can cause the children to change their attitude, since if they are not the center of attention and talk about other things, children usually imitate what they see their parents do. In addition, they will enjoy good family moments and will want to do it every day.

In the variety is the spice

You can prepare sweet breakfasts or salty breakfasts, and you can also mix the options, but always trying not to miss any of the four necessary food groups For your food.

The breakfasts cannot be eternalized. Normal is Never last more than fifteen or twenty minutes.

Sleep the regulatory hours, to have family breakfast in a balanced way and with enough time are the keys for everything to start working properly from the early hours of the morning.

In Breakfast Teddy Bear LULU | Breakfast, one of the important meals of the day. Why? Photos | @quidproquoq

Video: Top 5 Tasty Breakfast Recipes (July 2024).