Products for children and adolescents with special needs in Wip People

People WIP was born as a new business model as it is based on being a specialized store - both physical in Lugo and online - of educational, therapeutic and adapted products. Normally in Spain we find some therapeutic products in orthopedics or pharmacies, especially support products, but those responsible for this service realized that there were many differences with respect to Europe.

'Usually when we talk about disability or dependence or special circumstances, subconsciously we see the image of elderly people. In this area we believe that children and adolescents are the great forgotten'. That is why one of the goals of Wip People from the beginning was to open up to the greatest possible age range. And also thinking of the little ones, now they proudly claim that they can offer specialized products such as adapted clothing, footwear, augmentative and alternative communication products, therapeutic toy and educational toy.

Actually our products dedicated to children are for a large number of boys in different circumstances: from children with high capacities, left-handed children, with dermatological problems, or mobility, with dyslexia, with learning disorders or who simply want to play and learn at the same time

The values ​​that move to this online and physical store are empathy, integration, adaptability, accessibility, personal autonomy, the dignity of the person, and above all, integration.

In Lugo there is a wide and adapted space that can solve specific needs in families that have a child with special needs. And don't forget that they have products for all ages!

Congratulations to Pesonas WIP for the initiative!

Video: SKID MARKS: How To Wipe Your Butt According to a Doctor (July 2024).