Lego set of Easter egg decorators (and more ideas to decorate Holy Week)

Do you see yourself represented in this scene? As always, Lego imagines all possible situations for its characters and pieces and, of course, Easter was not going to be different. In this case, The Lego set introduces us to some Easter egg decorators.

It is a set to build with minifigures of a man and a woman, the chicken, the eggs, the brush and the palette, so that there is no lack of detail. But if what you want is to set up your own Easter egg decoration scene with the children, here are some ideas so you can do it these holiday days and some delicious recipe!

  • Paper mache Easter eggs

  • Easter eggs made with thread

  • Six original ideas to decorate Easter eggs

  • How to decorate Easter eggs

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  • Easter eggs for coloring

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  • Easter eggs of two chocolates to make with children

  • How to make Easter cookies

The Lego set of Easter egg decorators It costs 9'99 euros but we hope you will become creators of some of these original ideas to do with the children during these holidays. Crafts, recipes, drawings ... what do you sign up for?

Official Site | Lego
In Lifestyle Jared | The funniest Easter eggs, decorated by you with LEGO faces
In Babies and more | How to decorate Easter eggs, Six original ideas to decorate Easter eggs

Video: How to make LEGO Candy - LEGO Batman Minifigure! (July 2024).