A baby with two heads is born in China

It happened on May 5 in the city of Suining, in Sichuan Province, southwest of China. Two Siamese twin sisters were born They share most of a single body.

As doctors have explained, it will not be possible to separate them because they share most parts of the body, including the heart (it could be considered that they have a heart and a half for both), the esophagus and the spine being exclusive, as well as the head, of course. .

The twins were born by caesarean section, weighed 4.05 kilos and they are in critical condition. If they survive, they will have to live together forever, as a case that is already known and that we will now discuss.

The parents could not abort

Two revisions were made to the mother in September and February, and none of them showed any malformation. In fact, they say, they were informed that there was only one embryo and it was healthy.

However, on an ultrasound performed on May 3 (only two days before the cesarean section) it was observed that there were two fetuses and that both shared the same body.

The parents expressed their desire to abort, however the pregnancy was already very advanced and doctors felt that doing so could put the mother's life at risk. Given this situation they decided to move on.

Hensel twins

This case reminded me, as soon as I read it, to the well-known Siamese Abigail and Brittany Hensel, who were born 21 years ago in Minnesota and that, although each one controls a hemisphere of their body, they have managed to coordinate in such a way that they walk, They run, play basketball, swim, ride a bike and even drive. And not only that, but that have learned (they have no other left, of course) to live in harmony with each other, because each one has its wishes and concerns, many times different from those of the other.

I remember watching a documentary about them on television and it was funny to see how they explained that one wanted to study one thing and the other wanted to study another. It was even curious to see how he complained about each other for the time he spent in front of the mirror painting himself.

From them you can see some videos on the internet and, honestly, I morbid apart, I recommend watching them because they help a lot to normalize the existence, not of Siamese people, that in life we ​​will see few or none, but of people with any type of malformation.

I leave you with one of them, two years ago, when they were 19 years old:

Video: Two-headed baby: Amazing conjoined twins born in China (July 2024).