Sleep the baby in arms

All babies love falling asleep in their arms. The feeling of being close to you, feeling your smell, your heartbeat and your body heat makes you feel safe and promotes growth.

But many parents ask ourselves if we do the right thing at sleep in your arms or if on the contrary we are badly getting used to the baby.

I am very much in favor of taking the baby in my arms because it seems to me a very nice way to establish mutual contact.

However, sleeping is a habit that is learned, which the baby acquires by habit.

So if every time the baby has to fall asleep we take him in his arms until he closes his eyes, it will become a habit and then he will not know how to fall asleep in any other way.

You will associate the bedtime with the feeling of being in your arms and it will cost you to sleep alone in your crib.

Of course, nothing happens to do it from time to time, it is even advisable and a pleasant way to establish contact for both the baby and the mother, the father or who takes him in the arms.

My baby is five months old and still breastfeeding, so she almost always falls asleep in her arms.

However, I sometimes try to lay her in her crib when she is still awake so that she will take the habit of sleeping in her crib and not only in her arms.

Video: How To Calm A Crying Baby - Dr. Robert Hamilton Demonstrates "The Hold" Official (July 2024).