Toy ads on TV can cause frustration

At this time, what television time occupies most in children's programming schedules are the commercials of children's toys.

The talking doll, the walking robot, the little bear that tells stories, the magic car and a whole fantasy world that attracts like a magnet to the little ones with seductive advertising promises.

According to experts, unreal promises that can cause frustration in children seeing that this wonderful car that on TV looked great, is actually a simple normal car. Or that that doll that looked like a human being is one more doll.

A report by the Audiovisual Council of Andalusia (CAA) on children's advertising of toys highlights that “26.2% of the ads analyzed show some type of non-compliance related to the equivocal presentation of the characteristics of the toys, which leads to confusion and It can lead to the ultimate frustration of children. ”

He affirms that the advertisements offer an unreal vision of reality and that exploit the ingenuity and credulity of minors with fictional images that do not fit reality.

What parents can do is to limit, as much as possible, the hours that our children spend in front of the TV to avoid harassment of advertisements of these days.

In addition to accompany them to see toys and really teach them how they are compared to what the TV sells.

Anyone is disappointed to buy a product that does not match the idea we had of him. The children, more.

Video: Top 10 Toy Lines of the 1970s (July 2024).