Why do storks bring babies from Paris?

You may have wondered where the stork story that brings the babies of Paris hanging from the beak has come from. Why do some parents blame the poor stork when they don't know what to answer their children? Well, I wonder too, that's why I found out.

It is a fable that comes from central Europe inspired by the eagerness of the stork to take care of its young. It seems that this graceful bird goes out of his family, is monogamous and prepares the nest for years with great dedication. Come on, an example of a mother.

The maternal love of these birds already impressed the Romans, who considered them sacred birds. In his care were the protection of women, marriage, childbirth and newborns. And why from Paris? The legend spread thanks to a pair of storks that nested on the roof of a house that, instead of emigrating to Africa, like all, they did it to a region near Paris. The day the storks returned, the young couple who lived in that house had a baby and the news was transmitted that they had brought the storks from Paris hanging from the beak as if it were an express pizza.

And so the momentary ingenuity of a father in distress made many children over the years believe they are French.

Video: Stork Bird Carrying Baby - Flamingovideo (July 2024).