Dads and moms blogs: the power of a smile, the price of having a child and stories about breastfeeding

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

It shows that we are in full breastfeeding week and that is why we want to share some super interesting posts with stories like Stressed mothers, who had different experiences with each of his children and that serves as an example of the problems that can arise to have a successful SCI.

Another post that is very worthwhile is that of Mom also knows, who has made a compilation with 6 things about breastfeeding that turned out to be false and that led to failure as a nursing mother.

But like everything, they can't be bad experiences, Mama Cow He tells us how breastfeeding developed with his two little ones, a story that began in a difficult way but in the end had a pretty happy ending.

Comb, Pintxos and my Monillo It tells us about the power of the smile and that flow of emotions (often overwhelmed), which assail you once you become a mother ... an inspiring post with which many of us can feel identified if motherhood has brought about imbalances that sometimes you It is hard to drive.

Following the thread of good ideas, Mom full time He offers us this list of things that make life easier for us with children ... from clothing labels to boxes with innovative baby products.

Mom against the tide Answer the question, how much does it cost to have a child? ... a reflection based on your own experience that serves both first-time parents and those who are not.

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done today for the parents and moms blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

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