How to know if our child needs support at school

Many times it happens that we are afraid about whether our child will be doing well in school and if he will understand everything that is explained. We think that you may need some kind of extra reinforcement because, when compared to other children of the same age, we notice that you don't do the same things.

Following our special back to school, we will try to give some guidelines for how to know if our child needs support in school to achieve the objectives set by their teachers.

The most important thing of all, and that you have to always keep in mind, is that the little ones enjoy learning. As they grow, they discover a multitude of things in their environment that, through the game and after experimenting, make them acquire a multitude of knowledge that will serve them throughout their lives.

But sometimes it happens that for our son, for whatever reason, it costs him a little more than usual to do this learning that for others is something simpler, being necessary to have a more specific and individualized attention for the optimal development of his capacities

Special Educational Needs

We must clarify, first, what we mean when a child requires Special Educational Needs (N.E.E.). These refer to the fact that there is some type of deficit (be it physical, sensory, intellectual, emotional, social or combination of them) that affects the child's learning, so special means will be needed so that the child can access the objectives marked by the school.

That is, the child will have a curriculum adaptation which will make learning as appropriate and effective as possible. You are N.E.E. they can be temporary or permanent, and seek the school integration of the child with learning difficulties.

In short, when we talk about N.E.E. We are saying that, although all children need certain individual aid to achieve the school's curriculum (academic objectives), some of them need other less common types of aid.

Why can my child be from N.E.E.?

It cannot be said that a child requires N.E.E. for a single cause, since almost always several factors influence the same alteration. While it is true, there are three main agents:

  • Personal: here would enter all the causes that have to do with some kind of mental, sensory, physical deficiency ...
  • School: where we find factors such as ignoring the child's learning rhythm, setting inappropriate goals, inadequate teacher methodology, excessive number of students per classroom ...
  • Social: where the learning deficiencies of social and personal habits, emotional-emotional imbalances, socio-cultural level of the family ...

As you can see, there are multiple factors that influence whether or not a child can present N.E.E .; Therefore, it is very important that both teachers and the child's family are attentive to their evolution, in order to detect these problems as early as possible and to act accordingly as quickly as possible.

How can I know if my child is from N.E.E.?

Several resources of support and guidance have been provided for some time in order to help the school community. They are called Multidisciplinary Teams, which are responsible (among other things) for carrying out the therapeutic orientation of each child and for determining the needs, aptitudes and possibilities of recovery of the child, as well as the monitoring and review of the child.

These Multidisciplinary Teams will carry out supports that will fundamentally include:

  • Assessment and Educational Orientation: the professionals who will carry out this mission will be pedagogues, psychologists, doctors ... and will be primarily responsible for the prevention and early detection of SEN cases, assessments of these children and the development of Individual Development Programs (that is, the plan of work that is more convenient for the child with SEN, as well as the support and attention that it requires) with the participation of parents and teachers.
  • Pedagogical reinforcement: it will be the specialized teachers in Therapeutic Pedagogy and Hearing and Language who help both the teachers and the child in integration and their families to carry out the established curricular adaptations
  • Treatments and specialized care: depend on the characteristics and needs of each student, and refer to specific treatments of speech therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, psychomotor skills ...

On the other hand, they will also help us determine if our child requires N.E.E. the Guidance and Support Teams, which will provide support and advice to nursery schools and colleges on the educational intervention on students with N.E.E ...


It is very important to detect basic difficulties that may harm the correct acquisition and consolidation of the knowledge acquired in childhood. For example, if our child does not acquire the "right-left" concepts correctly, he will probably have many difficulties later in reading and / or writing.

That is why it is vital that if we have the slightest doubt or suspicion on our part, we will send it to the tutor in order that, if he sees fit, he will request an assessment of the guidance teams, who will be the ones to decide if it requires any type support.

Thus, before the question of how to know if our child needs support in school, the answer is not just one, since there are several factors that influence the decision making. However, in any case, the involvement of the family and the teachers who are with our children is very important.

Video: 10 Ways To Support Your Child Through School. Parenting Tips (July 2024).