Dads and moms blogs (LIX)

Today, as every week, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We started the week with the blog Reflections of a mother (triple) - psychologist, where Natalia tells us a beautiful story about the bond between brothers, not that which is created in the eyes of their parents, but the one that appears inside the belly, where they shared space, at the entrance titled a magical bond.

In the blog Diego, my magical babyBetzabe explains to us how her son, that child who usually laughs when people fall (not with evil, but because it seems like a humorous scene), is able to run like the one that most when it is mom who falls, worried and Attentive, as always when it seems that mom suffers some mishap. No doubt a sign that he loves his mother.

In The mother of a witch This mother has explained to us that after 13 months and with the arrival of spring there are days that are literally sold out, in which I think it is an entry that most parents could sign sooner or later. As a gift, at the end of the entrance he explains that in the middle of Sunday afternoon, when one more wants to rest, his brothers-in-law and in-laws were planted, without prior notice, to explain a recent trip to them ... he has no waste.

In Mother of twins This mother tells us how worried she is, now that her children are going to start school, about what measures they will take when locating their children, since the most common option, putting them in separate classes, generates enough doubts . I would be the same as her in her situation, because I wouldn't separate them, the truth (but I'm very afraid ...).

In I mother (I'm more than a mom), estanjana makes an interesting reflection about how she felt as a mother at the beginning and how she feels now, when she realizes that her son is maturing and that what she previously needed from some words on the part of mom or dad, now leaves alone and that where there were fears and uncertainties there is now security and experience. The entry is titled "When you look back ...".

In How not to be a drama mom, blog that I did not know, we have read about brands and how a mother can manage the family environment to prevent her daughter (who writes the blog), succumbing to the power of brands. I have laughed a lot with this and other entries and we have also been able to read that, despite everything, he has taken positive things from what his mother did and gave him so much rage and that he will probably use with his own: brands are an invention to charge you double for the same milk.

In Different maternity Eloísa has offered us an extensive and interesting article about disposable diapers, explaining the difference (evident) between the disposable ones of a few decades ago, that some of us suffered in our meats and the disposable diapers of now.

To finish, in Building a family, Suu explained to us how the arrival of the new member of his family was, in three entrances full of emotion: We are going to the hospital, my little one is already with us !!! and four at home.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.

Video: My Birthday Vlog! Ft. Gia, Lena, Cam, Hailey, Lily, Bella, Liz, Makena, Joey, Jaxon & My Mom & Dad! (July 2024).