Children, environmentally ill

We do not realize to what extent the environment influences the development of diseases, especially in children who are the main affected and as read in the news more than 40% of environmental diseases fall in children under 5, according to the Spanish Society of Electromedicine and Clinical Engineering.

At the beginning of the year VelSid told us that scientists believe that the development of childhood obesity, one of the social scourges of this era, is caused by the environmental environment.

But why are children extremely vulnerable to these factors? Simply because they eat more food, drink more liquids and breathe more polluted air than adults per kilogram of weight.

A fact that has alarmed me is that between 85 and 96 percent of pediatric cancers, that is, almost all, are related to environmental factors, most of them unknown.

There are also diseases such as asthma that is becoming practically an epidemic among the little ones, and that is largely thanks to the poor quality of the air they breathe.

It seems that the European Union intends to take action on the matter because it has ordered the creation of multidisciplinary groups of experts and technicians who plan and deepen children's and youth environmental health.

For the part that touches us, it is necessary that we begin to become aware of this issue because we are putting into play, in addition to the future of the planet, the health of our children.

Video: School strike for climate - save the world by changing the rules. Greta Thunberg. TEDxStockholm (July 2024).