The way this father comforts his baby when vaccinated excites 15 million people

When a baby receives his first vaccines, the parents break our hearts, especially when we are first-time and we have not previously lived this moment. Vaccination is the best gift we can give our children, but it is painful to see them cry, so tiny, on the consultation table.

Therefore, we do anything that is in our hands to minimize the pain of the punctures, from cradling them, to offering them the chest or distracting their attention. Antwon Lee opted for speak sincerely to your child and connect emotionally with him in a way that has captivated more than 15 million people, thanks to a video that has gone viral.

"I feel your pain. It's okay to cry"

Antwon Lee is a first-time father from Georgia who took his two-month-old baby to the pediatrician's office to receive his usual vaccinations, without thinking that the video that his girlfriend was recording at that precise moment was going to become viral, reaching 15 million visits to your Facebook profile in just over a week.

In the video, the afflicted father is seen comforting your baby in a warm and sincere way, looking him straight in the eye and telling him that he must stay strong, although if he cries nothing will happen because he will be there.

Subsequently, Antwon commented on ABC News that "It had been a very difficult time because he had felt his son's pain, but he was sure that at the same time, his baby had also felt all the love he was transmitting "

"I said: I love you, I feel your pain, it's okay to cry. I don't want my son to be proud, because if he starts to be proud since he was little, he will never know how to show his true self. I want him to always tell me how to really feel "- he confessed in statements to Parents magazine.

The man also said that his baby rarely cries "unless he is hungry," and that he likes to hold her in his arms and talk to him, looking into his eyes, while his little one looks at him and listens to him carefully.

We share the video of Antwon Lee and her baby; A beautiful example of paternal love, accompaniment and comfort that is exciting everyone.

And you, How do you comfort your babies in the delicate moment of vaccines?

  • Via ABC News

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Video: October 2013 ACIP Meeting -- Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine PCV (July 2024).