Feeding twins is so complicated that you end up giving them the bottle with their feet?

I have three children, and I cannot say that raising three children is easy. But the fact that they have different ages makes it more or less plausible. What would have happened if two of them had been twins? Well, I imagine that the work would have folded in every way and that on more than one occasion I would have had the feeling that my hands were missing.

Hands like those missing from a group of women who have shared how difficult it can be to feed two babies when you give them the bottle. So hard that you end up giving it to them ... with your feet?

Feeding babies with their feet

The cover image is from Constance Hall, the woman who explained her terrible breastfeeding a few weeks ago, who wanted to know how her followers did with twins by explaining on her Facebook page her multitasking abilities when she gives them the bottle with her feet, while in her hands she holds her iPhone.

Other mothers who also feed their babies with their feet also appeared:

Feeding two bibles with one hand

For not giving them with their feet, some mothers have achieved an extraordinary ability, to give two bottles with one hand:

All help is welcome: the little brothers

When you have twins, all help is little, so if the brothers want to help, welcome their collaboration:

Let them take it alone

Finally, a group of mothers showed how to feed them in an unassisted manner, so that no human was needed to hold the bottles. Needless to say, this should only be done when someone is in front of the baby, always, and is watching, because It is very dangerous because of the obvious risk of choking (except in the last photo, that babies are older and use a more advanced system):

What do you think?

As I said, I don't have twins, so it is hard for me to say that it is a bad solution because you have to see yourself in the mess to know what the real problems of having two babies to feed quite continuously are. Breastfeeding two twins seems much simpler, because you put them both to the chest and voila (it will have its plus and minus too, I suppose), but of course, the bottles must be held.

I say, that everyone thinks about it ... I only feel sorry for the lack of contact, for the lack of someone to watch while they eat, for not being huddled in the arms of their mother or father. And especially in the case of the latter, who are alone eating with some artifacts that were intended to, at a minimum, be held by a human hand.

What do you think?

Video: Breastfeeding Position and Latch (July 2024).